There is something woven in
to the design of the Universe that positively captivates me. When I think of
it, I can relax and rest in that awareness. Now generally, I would say that I
have this feeling when I recall the web of Life that surrounds and includes me.
And, while that is true, the realization that comes to me, when I recall how
well prepared I am for the rigors of this journey through the Cosmos, tends to
make me break out in a kind of thrilled happiness.
It seems, as I am getting
older, that I am discovering that the Universe has supplied me with all the
capacities I need to meet this life. They
are drawn out from inside me, by the circumstances of my unique existence. I
experience this as a sacred symmetry.
Let me explain, if I can. I
know that most folks have a hard time bearing this crazy and difficult life.
There is more than enough hardship to go around. Loss is everywhere. Grief
enters in to all of our lives, stealing our confidence, and leaving we humans
vulnerable and aching. I’m not extolling a Pollyannaish belief that Life is
totally benign. After all, I know in a very personal way, how much Life can
strip one. Still, I find great relief in knowing that built-into this seemingly
savage existence, is something so incredible that it balances all of the heartache
it generates.
There is something inside of
each of us, deep inside, that rises closer to the surface, when we are
adequately challenged. This something is
mysterious and way beyond our control. It doesn’t seem to answer to our
entreaties, prayers, hopes, and desperation. It seems to have an agenda of its
own. We don’t get to have any control over its vicissitudes. In some ways, it
is the inscrutable mystery of it, which is so infuriating and beguiling.
I don’t profess to
understand. I just have had enough of a taste of it, to know I am “Lucky,” and
to feel rather miraculously happy. The lack of understanding comes across in my
inability to describe, satisfactorily, a phenomenon I know exists. All I can do, is bow down, and acknowledge
the unknown existence of something that has broken me into a greater wholeness.
I am more, because something saw to it
that less provided.
I think it interesting that
it took me most of a lifetime to even notice. Now, I think of this awareness as
one of the gifts of aging. It appears that I had to have a lifetime of experience,
and some of it not so good, to begin to perceive how lucky I truly am. I call
it luck, but I know now, that it is the way of the Universe. I exist, and so,
this part of existence, also exists within me.
I have long wondered how it
is that we humans, in our scientific stupor, seem to have overlooked the
remarkable intelligence that fashioned our bodies, and this incredible world we
get to live in. We are just beginning to understand, that we don’t really
understand much of what we have been endowed with. It is, as if the Universe,
has some kind of immune system that operates through each of us. Evidently,
Life has planned for the difficulties that besiege us.
Anyway, I live with a kind of
re-assurance. Maybe, some hardship needs to befall mankind, to make more
evident that something in the Universe has got our backs. It certainly seems
like we have to get ourselves so thoroughly caught in a trap of our own making,
to get, that this sacred symmetry exists between all of creation, and what
mysteriously creates us.
Something wants us, enough to
make us possible. It supports us enough, so that we get to live out our own
perfect imperfect nature. I have come to see that mix of things as a sacred
symmetry, a relationship between the whole and one of its parts.